Dashboard Walkthrough

In this guide, we will walk you through our dashboard once you have deployed a node with Nodeinfra.


When you deploy a node, you will be able to access your dashboard with all of your available metrics. After your node has been successfully configured, you will be able to see the overview page, with total amount of nodes that you have deployed with us. We will categorize your nodes by chain, region and type, while also giving you information on all the nodes that you currently have, including recent updates/activities.


When you navigate to Nodes section from the left sidebar, you will be able to see all the nodes that belong to you. You will be given options to deploy a new node and to view details regarding the node. To monitor and check up on a specific node, please click on a specific node for more details.

My Nodes

After navigating to a specific node page, you will be able to see all the details regarding your node. We provide real-time metrics on CPU load, disk usage, memory usage, block height, and peers of the node.

If you scroll down, you will be able to see the metrics in a graph, showing archive data in a graph. Also, you can check their recent activities on the side.

Lastly, you can also access all the connection information and the endpoints that you need for RPC calls and connections. They will be provided in URLs as below.

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